Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
EP11: Quieting the Inner Critic with Ursa Swensen
Ursa Swensen is a wayfinder and mentor. She is passionate about self-care, healing, and personal growth. Contact her about her 5-day experience of Positive Intelligence at ursa@ursaswensen.com
In this episode, we discuss how the system of Positive Intelligence quickly helps you get into a positive mindset.
[24:45] Devora leads Ursa to a breakthrough using The 5 C's of Transformation:
Ursa has an amazing background of knowledge and wants to help people. She had been a single mom, and had done a lot of personal growth work over the years. She is launching her first business project and wasn’t sure who her ideal audience could be. She sought my help because she was approaching her deadline and still hadn’t decided.
In our work together, I guided her to a relaxed state where she could access her intuitive guidance. Along the way, she was also able to make peace with parts of her part that she had let go of, but still needed closure. She got that closure in the form of loving embrace.
As she invited her elder wiser selves to guide her, she knew right away that she wanted to work with people like herself: Moms who had accomplished things in the past, and had spent years dedicated to their children, who now wanted something more, had a bigger purpose, and wanted to further inspire their children. She dove into other details that described her ideal client as well.
As a result of the session she is excited to move forward launching her program to the right people.
The 5 C's of Transformation:
STEP 1: Conscious awareness: Fear of not knowing who her ideal clients are.
STEP 2: Compassion. Holding space for physical sensations that arise from fear with unconditional love.
STEP 3: Curiosity. Intuitive Coaching - Who would be the clients that would inspire her to get up in the morning with excitement?
STEP 4: Create a New Mindset: Giving a name to her ideal client.
STEP 5: Committed Action. Offering a 5-day experience as a way for people to get a taste of her Positive Intelligence program. Tailoring the marketing to her ideal clients, now that she understands who they are!
Contact Ursa about her 5-day experience of Positive Intelligence at ursa@ursaswensen.com
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