Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
EP10: Finding Your Flow with Brenda Loukes-Johnson
Brenda Loukes-Johnson is an artist, Kahuna Bodywork professional and the creator of FlowPainting Experience. www.inflowproject.com /
In this episode, we discuss:
- how fear of not being good enough leads to burnout
- how to get back into the flow through physical movement and massage bodywork
- how the schooling system trains us away from being connected from ourselves
- why creativity is so liberating
- trusting your intuition as a key to finding flow
- using curiosity to open up to possibility
- how painting helps to get in touch with your creative power
[25:45] Devora quickly leads Brenda to a breakthrough using The 5 C's of Transformation:
Brenda teaches others what she has come here to learn. This is what makes her a great coach.
She came to the session afraid of burning out again from not enough self-care. A multipassionate person, she wanted to simultaneously focus on her art, help people and also function in her daily life,
What stopped her from moving forward was overwhelm -- all the things she wanted to do.
In her session, she realized that if she could have a sense of humor and not take life so seriously, she would be able to go with the flow.
Her solution: taking naps. She knew that the deeper your rest, the more dynamic your activity - taking naps would help her become more productivity and energized.
The 5 C's of Transformation:
STEP 1: Conscious awareness:: Fear of burning out.
STEP 2: Compassion. Holding space for physical sensations that arise from fear with unconditional love.
STEP 3: Curiosity. Intuitive Coaching - How to move forward with more flow?
STEP 4: Create a New Mindset: Humor. Don't take life so seriously and just go with the flow!
STEP 5: Committed Action. Taking naps with a reminder on a giant post-it note by the computer.
Takeaway: The practical step of creating a big naptime post-it note. Devora's suggestion to paint a flow painting after her nap to remind her of the benefits, which would motivate her to follow through with her intentions. Accountability to Devora with a single email.
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