Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
EP08: Take Your Coaching to the Next Level with Leadership Coach Vicky Miethe (+live session)
How do you take your coaching to the next level? Find out right here.
In this episode, we discuss how to:
- be 100% present in your coaching sessions
- use feelings as a tool
- hold space for your clients
- not feel that you have to "rescue" your clients
- not be hijacked by your feelings during a coaching session
- not get stuck in the client's (or your) story
- allow the Divine to flow through you
- ask questions to create change
- reach the "real goal" of the session
You can connect with Vicky here:
Website: www.vickymiethe.dk
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vicky-miethe/
Email: vickymiethe@gmail.com
[19:25] Devora leads Vicky through a breakthrough session
Vicky has been self employed fr twenty years and have never had to sell her services. In the beginning she got clients from contacts and they referred others to her. Now that she is transitioning into a new audience, she knows she has to start a new marketing approach. She has experienced intense fear around this and has tried to be coached on this before. She knows intellectually what she needs to do and freezes when she has to do it.
We observe a transformation from a energy of a heavy, cold hard black ball in her stomach, to a weightless bubby sensation of golden light.
STEP 1: Awareness of the challenge: Fear of selling. "I freeze up"
STEP 2: Presence. Identifying physical sensations that arise from fear.
STEP 3: Create a New Mindset: Exploration and Discovery.
STEP 4: Action. Commitment to update Linked In profile and reach out to ten people. Devora offers accountability "so I can cheer you on."
Takeaway: "Deep relaxation." Exploring and discovering what I can do to make a difference.
Connect with me:
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Website: https://www.easeandflowsoul.com
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Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/devoragilaberkowitz/
Email: devoragila@gmail.com
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