Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
EP 01: How to Stop Overworking and Pushing Yourself - Keys to Getting Out of Overdrive )
How do you go from the pressure of pushing yourself to ease and relaxation?
And how do you go from feeling the stress of "go, go, go" to connection to your Divine Source?
Find out right here...
[0:42] Devora gives a spiritual explanation of why we overwork ourselves and what you can do about it.
[3:55] Short, calming exercise to the sounds of waves on a beach.
[6:44] Devora tells her personal story of how being an overachieving Harvard graduate and "perfect mpm" led her to hospitalization with a rare disease. She shares her insights into how getting chronically ill saved her life and what she did to being about a miraculous healing.
[17:15] Short case study of what can be possible when you learn how to stop pushing yourself. A stress-out high achieving career mom becomes a relaxed and happy woman.
[20:06) 10-minute meditation for getting out of overdrive and into calm, relaxation and connection to your Divine Source.
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